Many doctors and scientists are now prescribing forms of meditation for overall health.
Where does one start a meditation practice? Most are not interested in taking on a new religion or philosophy, most are just interested in a little inner peace and introspection. As flotation therapy is starting to emerge out of obscurity in the United States many are finding this peace during a one hour float in an isolation tank. The tank takes much of the difficult work out of traditional meditation. All light, sound, & physical sensations disappear. You are just left with your mind and its thoughts. It usually takes 15 to 30 mins in the tank until the chatter in your mind begins to slow and you are able to just be. I found an interesting quote today " If everyone on the planet floated everyday there would be no war, no poverty, no crime, no hunger—and nobody on the streets..." --E.J. Gold
I don't see everyone on the planet floating anytime soon but as the numbers begin to grow I do see more people finding time to turn off the computer put away the cell phone and look within to discover what is beneath the ocean of our consciousness.